Homemade Goodness

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Gotta' love Texas...in April.

For us, as home gardeners, the weather is always in play.  Texas is also a state that never knows what weather will be in play next.  This was the case Thursday, April 14.  After the kiddos 'round these parts get finished with dinner, we head outside to finish whatever projects we have going that day and water the garden.  Looking at the sky and radar, there was no "real' chance for rain in the DFW area...just a massive system rolling through Red River Valley and Oklahoma.  So 2 hours later when there was thunder in the distance, I decided it might be best to check WFAA again...and boy did I run.  To get Kristy, sitting, dazed at the fact that I am screaming to get every seedling we have growing indoors.  As the last table was moved and last petunia was saved, it began to hail.  Like really hail...sheets of hail.

Nice quarter size hail along with some smaller bits of frozen precipitation.

For the 20 minutes of downpour, my heart was on the edge.  Wondering what would be left of the main garden that we have grown in the backyard.  Although thankful that we got all of our seedling inventory under cover, I could just hear the ripping of plants.  And rip it did.  But everything will grow back, as my 3 year old would say...and she reminded of that today, that the sale must go on!  So, this next week we will watch my personal garden grow back, in hopes of a great harvest and prepare our young seedling batch for the upcoming sale April 22-23.  Peppers are coming...and not just Jalapenos.

*Speaking of sales...here are some pics from our first Homemade Goodness Seedling Sale...

Tomatoes, Green Beans, Herbs, and more...

Corner Marketing ;)

Kristy and my oldest running things.

A whole bunch of lettuce seedlings...Bibb and Head lettuce.

Buddies, gardeners, and the coolest things since sliced bread.

Parsley, Basil, Chives, Cilantro...and Dill.

Kristy selling it up!

Watermelon vine seedlings :O

Lots, and Lots of Snow Peas...

It was a great turn out last weekend and we have decided to hold Seedling Sales every Friday and Saturday morning...unless other wise notified.  Contact us by phone and email for questions, orders, or info on upcoming events. We are avalible all day, everyday.  Please check our Facebook for current updates, as this Saturday afternoon we put up shop early and missed some very valued customers!  So come by and see what the Goodness grows and may the Peas be with you! :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

April showers bring...lots of seedlings for sale!

The last few weeks have been busy ones for the Homemade Goodness crew...of two, and good things are in the works.  Our second batch of seedlings sprouted...

...and grew like crazy!  The 2nd batch beans, Kentucky Wonders, started sprouting after only 2 days...and had full root and leaf systems in 5.

The wee ones around our Base of Operations, aka...my backyard, have enjoyed learning about how the plants grow from tiny seeds to the goodness.  We are enjoying this opportunity to share this with others and getting more families excited about home gardening.

We are having our first Seedling Sale tomorrow and boy are these guys ready for new garden homes...






Our happiness is spreading to the SNOW PEAS...

...and there is lots of Love growing around...

Ants Marching...to the smell of Rosemary.

And Homemade Goodness spreading the Love...ones seedling at a time!

This is just a sneak peek of what we have growing so come see us and check out the goodness!
 All Day, Everyday.  ;)